Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Hello Hello Railroad

 As my promise before, i will tell a little story about this look and before. Me and my Boyfriend had promised with Racun and Surya to take pictures in tangerang. The first place is Hutan Kota (my posted before) and the second place is BSD especially at the railroad, haha. Unfortunately, the camera battery is discharged, and therefore are only two places that we were headed.

 I bought that Leopard Skirt at Yuan store at ITC mangga dua, that Black Mini Skirt at Mr Freddy here
Leopard Shirt - Yuan
Black Mini SKirt - Mr Freddy
Heels - IconNinety9

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

With You

 Lately post again and again, i cant tell anything now because i feel so tired for now, hehe peace.... And the next post still the same day of photoshoot (something like that), i will tell bla bla bla :D

 I bought this waist cut dress at www.gaudi-clothing.com 

 Thanks a lot for Racun, Surya, and of course my lovely Harvi 

Waist Cut Dress - Gaudi
Red Heels - IconNienty9

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Flower Girl

 Before i go to my bed, i post this blog with the name i give "Flower Girl". And now the times show a half past six am, yes morning. My eyes has too heavy. Sorry for the short words that i wrote in this post, hehe.. See u in the next post........:*

Vintage Vest - Monaco
Assymetrical  Brown Dress - NN
A half Wedges - Nine West

Senin, 18 Juni 2012


 One day, donno what whould i do, so i asked my boyfriend to help me to taken photos of me and with shaun the sheep doll given by him. Hehe thank you mine. Btw, this White Lace was so long ago i bought in PinkLabel store at mangga dua Jakarta and finally it is third times that i wore this white lace. ^___^ But if you wanna look the others cool outfits of that store, you can find them at their facebook link with just click that store name above.

 Hello my shaun the sheep doll, your body so round. Haha thanks my boyf.

White Lace - PinkLabel
A half Wedges - Nine West
Rings - Ambassador Mall